Vendor, Sponsorship, & Volunteer Applications
For more information concerning sponsorship, contact Annette Brown, Sponsorship Chairperson
P: 423-902-2020
Ginger Maxwell, Vendor Chairperson
P: 423-605-7040
Angela Bledsoe, Volunteer Chairperson
P: 423-309-6015
Pam Mooneyham, Site Chairperson
P: 423-488-9483
Marlene Basham, Festival Chairperson
P: 423-618-2849
Food Vendor, Non-Food Vendor Application & Information
Please read the Invitation & Food Vendor Information sections.
After submission of your application, a Valley fest representative will email you acknowledging that your application has been received.
You will need to email your Proof of Insurance to valleyfestonline@gmail.com, or you can bring your Proof of Insurance with you if delivering a payment or mail a copy of making payment by mail.
Valley Fest Sponsorship
We hope you will become a Valley Fest supporter in one of the following categories:
Emerald Sponsor | Ruby Sponsor | Diamond Sponsor | Platinum Sponsor | Gold Sponsor | Silver Sponsor | Festival Friend
Volunteer Announcement
We want to invite you to become part of the Valley Fest 2025 Volunteer Team
Valley Fest is proud to keep this event free again for the community to attend. This is possible due to our terrific sponsors and our volunteer team.
We welcome you to join us by becoming a Valley Fest Volunteer and becoming part of this fun-filled musical festival. The volunteer opportunities are in four(4) hour blocks and by clicking the attached sign-up link, you will be able to see all of the opportunities, times and descriptions of each available spot. Simply click on the Volunteer Signup button, register and choose what position(s) you would like to fill.
This is a great way to serve your community, meet new people and have a great time doing it all. Volunteers will receive a special t-shirt and a free hospitality meal for helping. Come join us and engage with the community spirit that surrounds Dunlap. Be sure to include your email and phone number on the sign-up link to receive all the volunteer communications.
Thank you in advance for stepping up and allowing us to continue to provide this incredible festival for the community. See you there!